Successful Weight Management

Many of us have at times thought we could do with losing a few pounds or more to fit into our favourite clothes or to just feel a little healthier and more comfortable. Maybe you’ve added a few pounds following Christmas or your annual holiday. Our weight can fluctuate to a certain degree at different times of the year which is totally normal. But trying to shed those unwanted pounds can prove to be a bit of a struggle at times. We all try dieting even though we know that they don’t work long-term and more often than not we actually put on more weight than when we started. Do you know anyone that has only ever been on one diet and succeeded permanently, I don’t!

Why do diets not work?

In simple terms to lose weight we need to eat less and move more. This requires will power which on its own rarely works. By focusing on diets, food, calories and food points, our minds are rarely away from the whole subject. We wake up thinking about food, what we’re allowed to have, what we’re not allowed to have, whether  it’s a  green/red day, how many points we can have, have we saved enough sins for a glass of wine! Our whole lives revolve around food; it’s enough to send anyone straight to the biscuit tin! It’s a well known fact that the more you deny yourself something, the more your mind tells you, you must have it. Does that sound familiar? Essentially the imagination (subconscious) will always be stronger than the conscious will. Your subconscious has many experiences stored there that tells you that dieting is impossible, it’s hard, you will become irritable, you will fail, and guess what, inevitably you will. Even the terms ‘watching’ our weight or ‘trying’ to lose weight are negative suggestions which our subconscious mind uses against us making us bound to fail in our quest to lose weight.

Why do we overeat?

Overeating or comfort eating is a compulsive behaviour triggered by a variety of emotional reasons but can be driven by the level of stress and anxiety you are experiencing. For a short while you experience some comfort and satisfaction by having that extra slice of cake but soon after comes the guilt, disappointment and loathing of yourself which furthers the cycle of compulsive behaviour.  Other oral compulsive behaviours include smoking and drinking, but unlike comfort eating the negative consequences are internal. The overweight person is literally wearing the results of their compulsive behaviour which then lowers self esteem and confidence further. Dieting alone is unable to change a lifetime’s habits and emotions around food and the mind is the key to unlock and change these behaviours.

Using Hypnosis for Successful Hypnotherapy Weight Loss

Clinical Weight Management Hypnotherapy (otherwise known as suggestion therapy)
If your eating habits are what you would consider fairly regular, with normal weight fluctuations and you would just like a quick start to lose those few extra pounds and feel fabulous, then combining Hypnosisvisualisation and positive suggestions is an excellent way to help motivate yourself to eat healthily, exercise and change your behaviour around food. This is a powerful technique using your own mind to bring about a positive change within yourself, with the results visible on the outside!

Act Now if you want to improve your relationship with food, achieve the weight that’s right for you and be able to enjoy eating without the associated feelings of guilt.

Try the virtual gastric band programme.


The Virtual Gastric Band Programme


This Virtual Gastric Band Program Hypnotically shrinks your stomach to the size of a golf ball and is conducted over a four-week period. The four one-hour sessions are designed to bring about a permanent change in your eating habits and focus on the person you  want to be. This is not a short-term fix. This will create new habits for you, to get you where you want to be and enable you to remain there. This will generally take 28 days.

This program includes a support CD, which you will be asked to listen to each day and will reinforce the new messages that will bring about the permanent change in your eating behaviour.

Contact me now.


    07887 715711
    Warsash, Hampshire, United Kingdom.